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Jun Pang 庞军
Chinese Speaking Supervision SiTT Coordinator
Jun Pang is a psychological counselor and social worker in Guangzhou China, and has his own agency called Guangzhou Juenian consultant service Ltd. He is a certified MBCT teacher of the Oxford Mindfulness Center, and trained in Mindfulness-Based Supervision through the Mindfulness Network. Jun Pang has extensive experience in teaching the MBCT for workplaces, rehabilitated patients of anxiety and depression, and general populations. He also teaches children’s mindfulness in primary school in part time courses.
庞军是中国广州的一名心理咨询师和社工,他是广州市觉念咨询服务有限公司负责人, 也是牛津正念中心认证的静观认知疗法(MBCT)教师,并完成静观网络的静观督导师培训。庞军对于为工作场所、焦虑症和抑郁症的康复患者以及普通人群带领MBCT课程经验丰富。他也在小学的兼职课程中教授儿童静观。
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